Monday, July 18, 2011

School 2.0

NETS: 1-5
This technology self-assessment let me know what areas using technology in the classroom I needed more help with. I choose to learn more about PLNs. The tools for the PLN that I was given helped promote responsible social interactions related to technology and learning.
School 2.0
         I decided to read "Grow Your Own Personal Network, New Technologies Can Keep You Connected and Help you Manage Information Overload," by David Warlick, a Nets-T Module: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. I chose to read this because connecting with students, peers, and colleges using technology beyound email and Facebook is new to me. This article talked about three different ways that technology helps people connect and receive information: Personally Maintained synchronous connections, Personally and socially maintained semisynchonous connections , and Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. Together these are strategies to create a personal learning network (PLN).
           The first, personally maitained synchronous connections, is about the traditional way people consult one another through chatting. There are numerous tools to enhance this, such as chat, texting, skype, and twitter. We no longer need to be in the same room to consult one another, but can be as far apart as living on different continents. The seconf PLN is personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connections. This reviews how in class the students can have computers and comment on the lesson or discussion in class by adding a comment on the class site or chat online with one another to help one another with ideas or homework. It doesn't stop there, on these online discussions one might send it to a specific person, but it's a community setting and thus, when responding or posting the online discussion it reaches others with similar questions or interest. These people can then comment and suggest ideas to the initial sender. The third is dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. This PLN goes over how one can bookmark a site and then also have relevent sites attach itself to this boomark. Thus, giving one more options and information on the topic of the site one bookmarked.
           I found this article very helpful because it helped me learn about opening my learning and lesson plans to a wider spectrum. A spectrum that reaches more than the halls of the school that I will one day work in. It has helped me find ways to reach out to others and share my interest. It will help me teach in a variety of ways, reaching more students. It has also shed light upon ways to meet the interest of my students and have them communicate differently in class. I look forward to learning more about this and then implementing it in my classroom.

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