Join The Flock NETS-3/5
Join the Flock is an article about twitter and its valuable
uses for teachers. It talks about creating one and writing a description about
yourself for others to read. It discusses how to follow others and whether you
want to respond or just look at what the person you’re following has to say.
The article then goes into how you can take action by retweeting or using a tag
stream. Join the Flock is
describing how as a teacher one can gather and respond to useful information
that one finds or receives from those they follow, thereby broadening horizons
and keeping the classroom interesting and up to date, because the world,
learning, and students are always evolving.
My analysis of this article is that twitter is a useful tool
for an educator. I was also struck by the self -description that one has to
make to be on twitter and how others that might want to follow you can check it
out. In this article it sounded like doing the self -description is like being
interviewed by whoever wants to follow you and that you have to make your self
look good. I also liked the section that talked about how one can just follow
another without responding until comfortable. Thus, allowing the person to ease
into twitter or the discussion that one finds on twitter.
After reading this article I see that as an educator, twitter
has many benefits. And now I think that I will use twitter to find out about
new lessons for my future class. I also think it will bring a great variety of
teaching styles, lessons, and knowledge for me as and educator and for my
future students.
I can use twitter to find lessons that pertain to the age group that I'm working with. From there I can find games to help teach math or ways to incorporate my students interests into the lesson, like using twilight to connect with modern day students and learning.
How can I use twitter to enhance my teaching style?
I can follow others on twitter and get information from them. I can start a discussion and those that follow me can chime in and give advice. Then gather all this information and create a creative and enhance teaching style.
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