Mortensen, C. (2011). Mission possible: keys to one-to-one success. Learning & Leading with Technology, 39(2), Retrieved from
Mission Possible: Key to One-to-One Success: NETS-T 3/4
Mortensen, a teacher from a middle school in Pasadena, Texas went to see one-to-one in action at another middle school in El Paso, Texas. After the experience and seeing the success that the school in El Paso had, she decided to bring one-to-one to her school.One-to-one means every student has a laptop and uses technology to learn in the classroom.Mortensen knew that the teachers at her school wouldn't use one-to-one unless they saw it in progress and saw that it worked to educate the students. Thus, a demonstration was carried out for the other teachers to witness one-to-one in progress.Along with the training session the teachers need to be supported before during and after the introduction of technology into their classroom. Next the teachers in the Pasadena school learned how to make digital curriculums as a whole and for each student. Mortensen is now using other technological tools in her class to keep her students engaged.
Mission Possible: Keys to One-to-One discusses how integrating technology into the classroom gives each individual student their own laptop to use while using technological tools to learn. In order for all teachers to be on board the teachers have to see the program in motion and use it themselves before bring it to their students. The teachers also must be supported throughout the integration of technology into the classroom. Once this is done the teachers can bring in other technological tools to teach the students with: Wiki, blogs, and digital movies.
I think bringing technology into the classroom is a great idea. It helps keep the students interested, it makes the classroom a place of excitement and it can lead to less disciplinary actions in the class and greater achievement by the students. Although technology could bring new challenges that teachers must face: learning how to use the material, making sure the students are doing work on the computer and not playing games, and keeping things safe and appropriate for all. If this can be monitored then technology in the classroom should be a successes.
1. How can teachers implement one-to-one in the classroom?
First by making sure that the school is on board. Then have trainings where teachers and faculty learn about the new material and how to use it. Next everyone needs support throughout the process so that the transition of technology into the classroom is smoother.
2. How can one-to-one or technology be apart of the faculties learning?
The faculty can use technology to send one another emails/memos. It can also be used to make lesson plans and the curriculum/individual curriculum, which can be sent to the students and their parents, as wells as manage class activities.
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